Brisbane SEO Specialist I'm an experienced Brisbane SEO consultant with a track record of achieving amazing results Fast Quote

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SEO Brisbane Specialist

I am an expert SEO Consultant in Brisbane with 12+ years of experience – 9 of those running my own SEO Consultancy. My approach to search engine optimisation has yielded thousands of position 1 rankings for my clients, providing them with highly cost effective and targeted exposure to people searching for their products or services.

I pride myself on offering the standard of SEO Brisbane businesses deserve; being upfront, honest & ethical at all times.

My SEO Expertise


Having previously been the SEO Team Lead at a Large Brisbane SEO agency, I have delivered successful campaigns for a range of enterprise level clients right through to local small Brisbane businesses. In addition to my agency experience, I was also previously the E-Commerce Manager at 99 Bikes – one of Australia’s largest online bike retailers.


For the past 7 years, I’ve been a full time SEO Consultant (this isn’t a side hustle I do in my spare time), working with clients all over Australia to provide up to date, safe & highly effective SEO that generates a measurable ROI. Unlike other agencies, I am a true SEO specialist; focusing only on search engine optimisation, however I have a strong network of proven Adwords experts, Social Media Guns, Email Marketing specialists and more – which I’d be happy to introduce you to if required.


Fair warning – this page is a fairly long read designed to help you understand as much as possible about SEO, my processes and my experience. If you just want a quote – feel free to use the form or call me directly to chat now.


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What my clients say

SEO Specialist Brisbane

What you can expect when working with me


I am a strong believer that there is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ approach to SEO Brisbane. Every website and vertical is unique which is why I don’t offer SEO packages or campaign road maps, but rather prioritise the work required based on my findings in the initial onsite audit. Below is an overview of some typical elements of a successful SEO campaign however this list is by no mean exhaustive and will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your website.


1. Technical Sitewide Audit

Conducting a technical SEO audit for Brisbane businesses requires hours of analysis and interpretation by an experienced SEO specialist in order to diagnose the most important elements that require further attention. Whilst some agencies simply slap their logo on an auto generated report, I take the time to thoroughly examine every technical aspect of your website to provide a comprehensive list of recommendations that I believe will achieve the best possible results in the shortest period of time.


2. Implementation of Onsite Recommendations

Paying an SEO consultant or agency for onsite recommendations only to then be pointed in the direction of the nearest web developer to implement them is one of the most common complaints I come across in the industry. In most cases these recommendations are not technically complex to action which is why I offer implementation as part of my service. Having experience in a variety of popular CMS’s including WordPress, Magento, Shopify and Big Commerce means I can potentially save you thousands on development fees for simple onsite changes. In the rare case I don’t have the technical expertise to provide this, I can recommend cost effective solutions from my network of contacts.


3. Competitor Analysis

The size and scope of the SEO work required for your website depends largely on the competitiveness of the industry in which you operate. Organic Google rankings are only as difficult as your most digitally competent competitors make them which is why it’s essential to conduct a thorough industry analysis in the early stages of your campaign. Whilst Google’s algorithm is a closely guarded secret, it is possible to reverse engineer the keys to success in your vertical by closely studying those sites which currently rank above yours and simply improving on the SEO aspects they currently do well.


4. Ongoing Keyword Research & Content Development

Google processes an average of 40,000 searches every second. (In the time it took you to read that sentence, it could have answered over 120,000 questions!). The point being that optimising your website for a handful of vanity keywords means you’re potentially missing out on a huge amount of opportunities to provide some of these answers and ultimately attract more traffic to your website. I include ongoing keyword research at every stage of your SEO Brisbane campaign to target both short and long tail queries that are relevant to all stages of your customer’s buying funnel. As I identify these opportunities, I will continually update your onsite content, in consultation with you, in order to target these keywords and help your site to appear more often in the search engine results.


5. Natural Link Acquisition Strategies

The single most important question you can ask your current or potential Brisbane SEO agency is “do you pay other blogs to link back to your clients?” If their answer is yes then yours needs to be no. Buying backlinks is strictly against Google’s guidelines and the search giant is getting better at identifying these tactics every day. If you’re caught out then you can expect to see a dramatic decline in your current rankings or in some cases having your website removed from Google entirely! Would your Brisbane business survive if it was banished from Google? I am one of only a few SEO specialists who only practice natural link acquisition techniques which will never result in Google penalising your website. The approach is simple, yet few are able to master it – publish valuable/ useful/ entertaining content on your website and those powerful links will come as other website owners share your content with their audience. Quality backlinks lead to quality rankings and ultimately more revenue through your business.


6. Traffic Quality Analysis

Attracting visitors to your website is pointless if they aren’t likely to convert into paying customers. I monitor a variety of metrics including bounce rates, conversion rates, time on site and goal funnels to determine which keywords are bringing in the highest quality traffic and therefore warrant a stronger focus.


7. Regular Progress Updates

Whilst any SEO campaign is a long term investment which rarely produces results ‘overnight’, I believe that my clients deserve to be kept across the progress of their campaigns as often as possible. I provide regular reports on what I’m doing, how I’m doing it and why I’m doing it to provide complete transparency at every stage. I also provide detailed keyword ranking & traffic reports so you can track the improvement made to date.

The best place to hide a dead body…


is on page 2 of Google

Why Choose To Work With an SEO Consultant Over An Agency?

There’s a better way…


As with any services industry, there are good & bad operators and by no means does the below apply to every SEO agency in Brisbane and beyond. Unfortunately the SEO industry has it’s fair share of snake oil salesmen and large inefficient companies that can’t provide you with the quality of service that a dedicated SEO consultant (like myself!) can. Here’s some common reasons why you should steer clear of most SEO agencies:


Avoid Staff Turnover

Achieving strong organic rankings requires an in depth understanding of the history of your website and the intricacies of your Brisbane business. Having to explain the above to a new face on your account every couple of months is a waste of your time and money.


Accountability For Results

If your SEO campaign isn’t producing the desired results it could be the fault of one of many sets of hands working on your account. Often you’ll never meet these team members (sometimes they might not even be based in Australia) and your only point of contact is an Account Manager who’s juggling 40 clients. Alternatively you might be sold the dream by a confident sales executive only to be left disappointed when the team can’t achieve what was promised. As a SEO consultant I am 100% accountable for the success or failure of your SEO campaign. If I agree to take you on as a client (I will politely decline if I don’t think I can improve your current rankings) then I will do everything in my power to achieve the best outcome possible for your business.


Cost Effective Rates

Large Brisbane SEO agencies are notorious for spending lavishly on fancy offices, trendy standing desks and wild Christmas parties, with the reality being that their clients are funding all of the above. My SEO consulting business operates out of a home office meaning that I can keep my rates very competitive compared larger agencies.


One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Despite what they might proclaim, many SEO specialists & agencies apply the same approach to every client’s website. SEO Managers will start with an audit, make some recommendations, buy some links then do just enough each month to stop each of their 40 clients from cancelling. Only a consultant can take the time to understand their client’s websites and truly act in the best interests of the client. I cap the amount of clients I work with at any one time in order to ensure I can provide the best possible service (and to avoid the stress!).

No aggressive sales tactics, No BS…

Let’s see if we’re a good fit


0403 511 032

Why Choose Myself as Your SEO Consultant

Like many of my current clients (and possibly yourself), I too am a small business owner. This means your success is my success.


When working with an agency, your SEO campaign will be handled by an employee – possibly one who’s sitting there, dreaming of something better, and doing just enough to stay employed. Whether your SEO results are good or bad they still receive a pay cheque at the end of the month.


On the other hand, if I as a Brisbane SEO consultant fail to achieve great results for my clients; my ability to pay the mortgage and put food on the table is at stake. Plenty of motivation to do everything possible to deliver for every single one of my clients.


Having been a self employed SEO Consultant for over 5 years now, I’ve experienced the ups and downs of running a small business and appreciate the absolute need to see a return on investment for every dollar spent. Something an SEO agency employee most likely won’t consider as they’re scrolling through SEEK.

SEO office space in Brisbane

Common Reasons For Poor Rankings


There’s over 200 ranking factors in Google’s algorithm – here’s some of the big ones.


Poorly Optimised Onsite Elements


In order to rank for the keywords that you believe will bring you business, it’s necessary to target these phrases via onsite elements such as page titles, heading tags, and alt tags. Pages on your website with generic titles such ‘home’ and ‘services’ don’t provide Google with any information about what the page is about and consequently you’re unlikely to appear for your desired keywords. The same is true for the images on your website. Google is unable to interpret images and therefore relies on alt tags and image file names to determine what the image portrays. Missing alt tags and file names such as ‘homepageslider.jpg’ are not going to provide any keyword related signals to Google and you’ll be missing another opportunity to target your keywords.


Lack of Authority Signals


Google results are essentially one big popularity contest with links from other websites to yours being considered votes or endorsements of a certain level of trust and quality. Not all of these ‘votes’ are considered equal though with a higher weighting being placed on links from trust worthy, authoritative and relevant websites.


Imagine you’re wanting to find someone to fix your computer and you ask two different people for their recommendation. The first person works at your local car wash and the second person is Bill Gates – who’s recommendation do you think you’d take? This is very similar to how backlinks are considered by Google and one quality link will be more powerful than thousands of low quality links combined.


Minimal On Page Content


If a large proportion of your website’s pages contain little to no written content you are unlikely to achieve optimal rankings. Google takes into consideration the quality of your site as a whole and having a significant percentage of pages with little to no text will see your site branded as ‘low quality’ and not worthy of a position at the pointy end of the search results.


I can identify which pages are thin on content and then produce the right amount of quality content to satisfy your visitors and the search engines. Alternatively I can advise whether these pages should simply be blocked via your robots.txt file or no index tags if you’re not attempting to rank them for a particular keyword.


Duplicate Content


All content throughout your website should be unique and not found on other websites, or other pages within your site. Having duplicate content not only dilutes relevancy signals, in cases of blatant plagiarism, it can make ranking your website for your target keywords near impossible.


Slow Page Loading Speed


Page loading speed has been a confirmed ranking factor since 2018 meaning if your website takes forever to load, your rankings are going to be affected. Quite often there’s simple explanations for poor loading times include cheap hosting, uploading huge images and over-use of plugins and scripts.


I can identify what’s causing your slow page speed, and more often than not implement the necessary steps to speed it up for you as part of my monthly service agreement.


Your Website Sucks


It may sound harsh, but sometimes websites can be so outdated and riddled with technical issues that Google essentially gives up on trying to make sense of it all. If this is the case I can design & build you a fully optimised WordPress website that is 100% SEO friendly right out of the box which can often be more cost effective then trying to fix your existing site.


Low Quality AI Generated Content


AI content generators, such as ChatGPT, have exploded in popularity in 2023 – with many website owners jumping at the chance to easily generate a large amount of content with the intention of improving their search engine rankings. Whilst Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan recently tweeted a clarification that any content generated primarily for search engine rankings is against their guidance (which many have taken as a blessing of quality AI content) – however, based on my anecdotal experience – I’d suggest refraining from using AI generated content on your website. Google ultimately wants helpful content written for humans based on their E.A.T guidelines so you should focus less on writing large amounts of content and more on writing high quality, genuinely helpful articles / copy.

The Types of SEO Agencies To Avoid


There are some awesome SEO agencies servicing Brisbane, however beware there are others to steer clear of…



Whilst SEO is a long term investment which rarely produces results overnight – you should never commit to a lock in contract when dealing with an SEO agency. Signing a contract removes a significant amount of motivation for an agency to get you the best possible results and more than likely they’ll put your account into ‘set and forget’ mode and invoice you monthly for the privilege. I operate on rolling month to month agreements and my SEO clients are free to cancel with 30 days notice at any point in time.



Guaranteeing specific SEO results is something that I will never do purely because I don’t control Google’s ranking algorithm and neither do any other SEO agencies. The system in which Google determines which websites to rank for certain keywords will never be revealed and so the only way to achieve the best results is to be flexible and responsive in your SEO strategy. If an agency is offering to guarantee you results – ask them what keywords you’re guaranteed to rank for and more importantly how many people search for that exact phrase per month.



Perhaps the most important question to ask a potential SEO agency is “do you pay blogs to publish articles containing a link back to your client’s websites?” If their answer is yes then yours needs to be no. I’ve seen major national brands, who attract tens of thousands of website visits per day have their entire site removed from Google due to paid link building activity. Google considers this ‘cheating your way to the top’ and has very advanced methods of detecting and penalising websites who do so.



Quality SEO requires an in depth understanding of your business, the market you operate within and the language in which you communicate to the world. This is something that only a local Brisbane SEO can offer. Many SEO agencies outsource their work to countries like the Philippines in order to keep their costs low and profits high. As a consultant, I am the only one who will ever work on your account and I strongly advise against working with anyone who outsources their SEO to other countries.



Whilst their sales team may be impressive, beware of SEO agencies that don’t list their SEO team members on their website. This can often be a red flag that their SEO implementation is handled offshore, or outsourced to other providers with a nice little mark-up on top. If you can’t talk directly to the person implementing your SEO campaign, that’s usually a sign that it’s being handled externally.


I don’t have a team page because it’s just me – no outsourcing & no employees, in order to keep the quality of work and results at the highest level.



Whether it’s by email or phone, there are literally of thousands of companies out there trying to sign clients by cold calling. Some may approach you with “very serious” (non) issues with your website that “must be resolved”, or simply call you over and over until you say yes.


I’d recommend only ever working with SEO agencies or consultants who you either find online (except for Google Ads), or via word of mouth from your network. This is the best indication that they know what they’re doing.

Frequently Asked Questions


You might have before getting in touch

How Much Does SEO Cost?

My monthly retainer varies based on multiple factors – such as how well established your website is, how competitive your market is & how much of my time is required to produce a result. Generally, my monthly retainer for most clients ranges from $1220 to $2500+ per month.

How Long Will It Take To See Results?

The time is takes to hit position 1 for your target keywords ultimately depends on your existing level of authority compared to your competitors. I can provide honest time frame estimations in 3, 6 & 9 month scenarios at the outset so you can decide if SEO is the right channel for your business right now.

What Website Platforms Do You Work With?

Any platform / CMS has the potential to rank well in search engines, however I avoid working with WIX & Squarespace as a general rule. In my experience they’re more difficult to optimise compared to others. I’m most confident in achieving strong SEO results via WordPress, Shopify, Magento & Neto platforms.

Can We Meet In Person To Discuss?

Sure! I’m available to meet up to discuss your SEO campaign in Brisbane prior to getting started.

Can You Manage My Google Ads As Well?

I prefer to refer Google Ads clients onto a recommended specialist partner, however if you’re running a local campaign with a moderate budget I can often assist at a cost effective rate.

Do You Offer Social Media Advertising?

Unfortunately I don’t offer any form of social media marketing. It’s just not in my wheelhouse.

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Feel free to call if you have any questions


0403 511 032